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City of Lubbock confirmed 62 Additional COVID-19 Cases, 2 Deaths

As of 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, the City of Lubbock confirmed 62 new cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19), 98 recoveries and 2 additional deaths. The total number of cases in Lubbock County is 47,195: 1,489 active, 45,028 listed as recovered and 678 total deaths.

Since the 4:00 PM cut off yesterday, 1 additional case was reported or transferred into Lubbock. This has been adjusted into the cumulative totals.

As of 4:00 p.m. there are a combined 36 open hospital beds and 18 patients holding for beds at University Medical Center and Covenant Health System. Note that this reflects staffed beds open to receive patients and differs from the available bed count shown on the DSHS and the City of Lubbock dashboards. These dashboards count all available beds, including specialty beds, such as pediatrics, PICU, outpatient, psychiatric and others, as well as hospitalized patients in the 22 county Trauma Service Area.

Lubbock remains under the 15% threshold where the percentage of COVID-19 confirmed patients in regional hospitals as a percentage of available hospital beds. Yesterday's COVID-19 hospitalization percentage was 9.58%. Trauma Service Area B will be under lessened restrictions outlined under Governor Abbottā€™s Executive Orders unless we go above 15% for seven consecutive days.



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