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Lubbock Police Department Celebrating 100 Years

(LUBBOCK, TX) – On May 7, 1921, the mayor of Lubbock, C.E. Parks, appointed C.S. Middleton as the chief of police of the City of Lubbock for a term of one year. This action led to the establishment of the Lubbock Police Department.

Throughout 2021, Lubbock Police will celebrate 100 years of pride in the past and trust in the future. The department’s mission to enhance the quality of life in the City of Lubbock by working cooperatively with the public to prevent crime, enforce the laws, preserve the peace, and provide a safe environment continues, and will be celebrated throughout the year.

As part of this celebration, Lubbock Police officers have the option to wear a centennial badge to commemorate the tradition of professional policing the department has continued throughout its history. This badge pays homage to the beginnings of the City of Lubbock with the words “Hub of the Plains,” a windmill and a cotton boll displayed with pride.

Citizens can expect Lubbock Police officers to display either the traditional badge or the centennial badge as they conduct official department business. Citizens who may be concerned regarding seeing a different badge should note that a patrol officer will be in an official LPD uniform and driving a marked patrol vehicle. Officers can be asked to verify their identity further, and should display a hard-plastic identification card that includes the words Lubbock Police Department and includes a picture of the officer.



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