E proposed Amendments to the State Constitution - Vote
By Barrett Bergez (Intern) for Latino Lubbock Magazine
First on the list is proposition one authorizing professional sports teams to hold raffles at authorized rodeo venues in the state.
Proposition two gives counties the ability to issue bonds to build up infrastructure and fund transportation projects in undeveloped areas.
Proposition three would prohibit the state and political subdivisions from limiting the religious services of any religious organizations.
Proposition four changes the eligibility requirements for prospective justices of the supreme court, judges of a court of criminal appeals, justices of a court of appeals, and district judges.
The eligibility requirements would include requiring Texas and U.S. citizenship, requiring various years of experience for the different courts, and disqualified any candidates if their license to practice law was revoked or suspended during the years of experience.
These new requirements would apply to anyone elected or appointed to a term starting after Jan. 1, 2025.
Proposition five gives the Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct authorization to investigate any complaints they receive against anyone running for a state judicial office.
Proposition six provides residents of nursing homes the right to designate an essential caregiver that may not be prohibited from visiting the resident of the nursing home.
Proposition seven lets the legislature extend a tax limit for a surviving spouse of a disabled person as long as the living spouse is 55-years-old and is living at home.
Proposition eight allows legislatures to set a homestead tax exemption for surviving spouses of military members who are mortally wounded in the line of duty.
The important dates to remember for this upcoming election are Friday, Oct. 22, the last day to apply for a ballot by mail (received, not postmarked), and Nov. 2, election day and the last day to receive a ballot by mail.
For information relating to the election and voting locations, visit www.votelubbock.org for more information.
Posted courtesy of Latino Lubbock Magazine Digital Media Read the October Issue of Latino Lubbock Magazine online at https://www.latinolubbock.net/magazine-preview Please visit www.latinolubbock.net for a centralized list of COVID-19 resources. For advertising call (806)792-1212