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Texas Homeowner Assistance Fund Provides Free In-Person Help for Struggling Households Across TX

45 locations serving 115 counties offer confidential application assistance, legal counseling and/or housing counseling services

(Austin) – Texas homeowners financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic after January 21, 2020, now have access to local in-person support from the Texas Homeowner Assistance Fund (TXHAF). The program has nearly $500 million dollars available statewide to help eligible Texans who are behind on mortgage payments, property taxes, property insurance, homeowner/condo association fees, and/or utility bills.

The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) recently approved $18.5 million in contracts for 26 subrecipients across the state–13 of which are already activated–to serve as local resources for application submission, housing counseling, and legal counseling. Application intake centers can submit applications on a homeowner’s behalf, making it easier for people with disabilities, limited computer proficiency, or limited internet access to apply.

“Our staff is working tirelessly to make sure as many Texans as possible know about TXHAF and have access to the resources they need to apply,” said Bobby Wilkinson, TDHCA Executive Director. “By partnering with key organizations across the state, we’re able to provide homeowners one-on-one personalized help from trained staff who live in or near their communities – people they can trust.”

Each household can receive up to $65,000 in total assistance from TXHAF for mortgage payments, property taxes, property insurance, homeowner/condo association fees, and/or utility bills. Among the requirements for eligibility, homeowners must have experienced financial hardship after January 21, 2020, due to the pandemic and have household income at or below 100% of the Area Median Income (AMI) or United States median income, whichever is greater.

“The pandemic really hurt my grandfather. He’s 84 years old. He got COVID and had a lot of health issues – he almost passed away. He had a franchise company and couldn’t work, so he lost a lot of money,” said Jessie Spillman, who lives in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. “I’m really grateful for this program. We were able to help my two nephews and my grandfather keep their home.”

Since its launch, TXHAF has assisted more than 20,000 households and distributed more than $200 million. Approximately 72% of those funds were for mortgage assistance, 26% for property tax assistance, and the remainder for insurance premiums and utilities.

For a full list of intake centers, housing counseling, and legal counseling services, visit Full program details, an eligibility screening tool, Applicant Success Checklist, program dashboard, and online application are available at For all other questions, a toll-free multi-language call center is available at 833-651-3874 Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.- 6 p.m.

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