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LULAC Emergency Aid Fund

The COVID-19 pandemic has continued to disrupt communities across the country while disproportionately impacting Latinos the hardest. As a result, LULAC has established an emergency aid fund to distribute financial aid to assist the most vulnerable members of our community. Essential workers have been the key to keeping our economy running non-stop since the start of the pandemic and LULAC is committed to providing support to those most impacted by COVID-19. Funding can be used towards overdue rent or mortgage payments, utilities, or any hospitalization and health bills related to COVID-19 treatment and recovery. All applications will be pre-screened for eligibility with funding limitations.

Please complete the following form by March 19, 2021:

To meet the requirements of the Emergency Aid Fund, please be prepared to provide the following items when applying:

  • Reside in one of the following cities or within a 20-mile radius.

    • Fresno, California

    • Fort Morgan, Colorado

    • Dodge City, Kansas

    • Schuyler, Nebraska

    • Friona, Texas

This is an initial form and is not a confirmation of funding assistance. To be considered for funding, you must complete the full funding application that will be sent to you through the email provided.

A LULAC Representative will contact you after the initial consultation application and will ask for you to provide the following information:

  • Provide a valid form of ID

  • Provide proof of address

  • Provide proof of income

    • If self-employed, provide SNAP/TANF certification letter OR gross wages from employment (pay stub)

  • Provide proof of hardship due to COVID-19:

    • unemployment letter, termination letter, confirmation of COVID-19 positive results, the proof applicant did not receive Stimulus Check OR other documentation that proves hardship due to COVID-19; OR

  • Provide results confirmation of being COVID-19 from the Department of Public Health, lab results, OR other official local/state health documentation.

This is an initial form and is not a confirmation of funding assistance. To be considered for funding, you must complete the full funding application that will be sent to you through the email provided.

LULAC is committed to assisting essential workers and their families with direct financial relief if they have been impacted by COVID-19.

To learn more about the LULAC Emergency Aid Fund and apply, visit

For more COVID-19 related information, visit



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