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Secretary Nelson Reminds Texans February 5 is the Deadline to Register in Time for the Primary

Austin--Texas Secretary of State Jane Nelson reminds Texans that the deadline to register or update your registration in time for the primary election is Monday, February 5.

"If you haven’t registered to vote in Texas or you need to update your registration, act quickly to be ready for the March 5 Primary," said Secretary Nelson.

Texans can find a registration form at A voter will need to print, sign and mail in their registration application. For this year’s primary, applications must be postmarked February 5 or earlier.

Voters can check their registration status through the My Voter Portal which can be found under the registration tab on To be eligible to vote, you must be:

A United States citizen

A resident of the county where you register

At least 18 years old on Election Day

Convicted felons who have not fully discharged their sentence and individuals declared incapacitated by a court may not vote.

Texans who recently moved within the same county can update their registrations on Updating will require the voter’s unique identifier number (VUID) which can be found on their voter registration card or through My Voter Portal. Texans who have moved to a new location outside their county will need to register based off of their new address.

This information and more can be found at, the state’s official online voting resource. Other key election dates include:

February 23: deadline to submit ballot by mail application

February 20-March 1: early voting in-person

March 5: Election Day, polls open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.


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