NPNA Urges Immigrants & Communities of Color to Act Now to Participate in the Census Before Tomo

WASHINGTON - In light of the United States Supreme Court decision yesterday to allow the Trump administration to end the 2020 Census count two weeks early, the National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA) is urging communities of color to act now and immediately fill out the census before the new deadline of tomorrow, Oct. 15 at 11:59 p.m. HST. Nicole Melaku, NPNA executive director, expressed disappointment with the Supreme Court decision, stating, “It is outrageous for the U.S. Supreme Court to allow the Trump administration to end the 2020 Census early amidst a pandemic and the administration’s ongoing efforts to limit the political representation of communities of color. This will lead to an inaccurate census count and strip a generation of people from the political representation and resources they need and deserve, including the immigrants and refugees that the NPNA network serves. We urge those who have not yet filled out the census to do so before the Oct. 15 deadline to ensure they are counted." Eva Millona, president and CEO of the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy (MIRA) Coalition, an NPNA member organization, stated: “The chaos caused by the Trump administration continues. Census Bureau officials told the courts that they cannot produce accurate data by Dec. 31. Now it is up to Congress to ensure that the quality of the count meets the highest standards.” “While the decision from the Supreme Court is disappointing, it is not surprising. The Trump administration is adamant about undermining the voices and political representation of immigrant, Black and Latino communities. Still, we are hopeful that our communities will use the next day to ensure that our communities are not erased, and that our voices are heard. Now more than ever, we need to ensure our voices are heard by being counted in the census, filling out our ballots and casting our votes,” said Nancy Flores, NPNA deputy director.
The National Partnership for New Americans is a national multiethnic, multiracial organization that represents 41 of the largest regional immigrant and refugee rights organizations in 37 states. Its members provide large-scale services for the communities, to leverage their collective power and expertise for a national strategy. More information about the New American Voters 2020 campaign is available at
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