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City Issues 11th Declaration of Disaster, Updates for Businesses, City Organization

Lubbock Mayor Dan Pope and the City Council approved the 11th Declaration of Disaster in response to COVID-19 at its Special City Council meeting on Friday, June 26. The reason for updating the Declaration is, primarily, due to the recent rapid increase of COVID-19 cases in Lubbock County, and the associated increase in the positivity rate. The 11th Declaration accomodates the changes set forth Friday, June 26, by Texas Governor Greg Abbott's Executive Order 28, and mandates the following updates for businesses, the City organization and outdoor gatherings:

  • All businesses in the City of Lubbock must implement a health and safety policy that must require that all employees wear facial coverings when in an area where social distancing of at least six feet is not feasible.

  • Businesses must place the health and safety policy in a highly visible location to provide notice to employees of all requirements.

  • Pursuant to the Governor's Executive Order, outdoor gatherings of more than 100 people must submit a plan for approval by the Mayor or the event may not be held.

  • Individuals at outdoor events of more than 100 people where social distancing is not feasible are required to wear facial coverings.

  • Individuals visiting City of Lubbock facilities are required to wear facial coverings. This also applies to City employees. This is required when in an area that at least six feet of social distancing is not feasible.

  • Consistent with the governor's executive order, no civil or criminal penalty will be imposed on individuals for failure to wear a facial covering.

These requirements go into effect at 12:01 a.m. June 29, 2020, and will continue until July 28, 2020.


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