MFV Reacts to SOTU: Calls on Congress to take action where President Trump has failed Latino and imm

President Trump delivered the 2019 State of the Union Address following a government shutdown that lasted 35 days.
Mi Familia Vota issued the following statement:
President Trump’s State of the Union Address was wanting for answers to the real challenges that our nation is facing. Instead, President Trump used the occasion to parade miscellaneous themes and buzzwords and to repeat old promises that remain undelivered. Unsurprisingly, he also used the speech to continue to regurgitate disparaging and false narratives about immigrants in an effort to advance his extremist ideology.
In his two years in office, President Trump has outlined and implemented some of the most threatening and damaging policies against the immigrant and Latino community. During his presidency we have witnessed human rights abuses at the border, including separating thousands of children from their families, tear gassing asylum seekers, and holding hundreds of thousands of immigrants in detention camps nationwide. He has taken actions to undermine or limit the provision of legal services and information to asylum seekers and has also supported legal actions to terminate remedies for immigrants in our country like DACA recipients.
Congress will be responsible for defining a vision for our country based in American values, one that includes supporting working Americans and protecting immigrant rights. Our community needs Congress to be pro-active on issues that we are facing, including passing legislation to revoke the Citizenship question from the Census and providing a pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients and other immigrants. President Trump has largely been dismissive of Congress - despite tonight’s call for unity – so it’s time for our elected officials to use their authority to create solutions that redress our President’s failures. Mi Familia Vota will continue to facilitate and urge communication between elected officials and our community on issues that require immediate attention and in preparation for the 2020 elections.
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