Lubbock Annual Point-in-Time Count
The South Plains Homeless Consortium will be conducting the 2019 Point-in-Time Count this Thursday, January 24, 2019. The Point-in-Time count is a national campaign where cities across the country attempt to count the homeless population in their communities, both sheltered and unsheltered.
The survey is conducted by volunteers who will administer the survey on the streets as well as in local shelters. The results are collected and sent to the Texas Homeless Network. An official count of Lubbock’s homeless will be released in the spring.
“The Point-in-Time count allows for us to not only get a number of homeless individuals in our community, but it allows us to see what resources we need to provide to help end chronic homelessness,” said Ashley Ammons, President of the South Plains Homeless Consortium. “We use this tool to learn who is in our community and the unique needs of the homeless population”.
Last year, there were 333 individuals identified in the Point-in-Time count with the majority being over the age of 18.
The South Plains Homeless Consortium’s mission is to lead the efforts to identify homeless issues and to support the development of community strategies to prevent and end homelessness.
Posted courtesy of @Latino Lubbock Magazine Digital Media
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