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Latinos are 12% of US Same-Sex Couple Households

According to the latest report on the same-sex households in the United States, Latinos represent 12.5 percent of this population, numbering 110,932. Based on statistics from the 2016 American Community Survey (ACS), the majority of Latino household couples (51 percent) were male-male couples. For further information, click here.

The US Census Bureau does not count the LBGTQ population directly, only indirectly by counting same-sex couples. According to Gallup, by the way, they found in a poll that the percentage of the US adult population identifying as LGBTQ was 4.1 percent in 2016. Efforts by gay advocates to get a question about sexual preference in the 2020 Census have been unsuccessful, and the Trump Administration has been removing such existing questions from other federal surveys.

In a December 2017 NiLP National Leaders Survey, we asked Latino opinion leaders their sexual preferences. The unpublished result was that they identified as follows: 2.4 percent as homosexual, 1.0 percent as bisexual, 0.6 percent as pan-sexual, and 1.8 percent something else other than heterosexual.

Reposted by Latino Lubbock Magazine Digital Media

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