Miguel Levario Discusses the Breakdown of Debate Negotiations Between his Campaign, the Lubbock Cham

LUBBOCK, TX — During the past week, the Levario campaign has been in talks with the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce about a debate on October 22nd. In response, Miguel Levario, Democratic Candidate for Texas’ 19th Congressional district released the following statement:
“While I fully support having a debate with Rep. Arrington, the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce has proven to be an incompatible sponsor. My campaign has focused on open, inclusive dialogue in order to reach voters. I feel strongly that the debate should reflect this same openness and transparency. The suggested guidelines, which the Chamber is unwilling to discuss or modify, guarantees exclusivity and obscurity.
The Chamber has stated that they will have full control over scripts and coordination without any input from more neutral organizations. They will not cover issues outside of their own interest even though this seems to be the only debate Rep. Arrington is willing to attend. Also, the Chamber has chosen a venue that will only allow a small number of handpicked attendees. These guidelines do not reflect the diversity of our district nor the spirit of our community.
My campaign has suggested neutral co-sponsors which the Chamber immediately shut down. They claimed we could not offer pre-approved sponsors although Rep. Arrington clearly pre-approved their sponsorship.
The double standard is quite telling.
I feel it is my duty as your Democratic candidate to agree to events and debates that reflect the values of our campaign and our community. The Arrington campaign can reach out at any time if they are interested in an open, inclusive debate with transparent guidelines and topics that reflect the interests of district 19 as a whole.
Thank you.”
Posted by the Latino Lubbock Magazine Digital Media