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Project making major improvements to Upland Avenue

TxDOT to manage city of Lubbock road enhancement project

May 31, 2024


LUBBOCKĀ ā€“The Texas Department of Transportation is set to begin work on a project that will make major improvements to Upland Avenue, from 66thĀ Street to 82nd Street, in Lubbock. The $19 million, city of Lubbock project will completely rebuild the existing roadway from a two-lane roadway to a five-lane thoroughfare.


Construction work is scheduled to start next week, with contractor Lone Star Dirt & Paving, of Lubbock, setting traffic control and barriers along the project limits on June 3, said Joe Villalobos, P.E., TxDOT Lubbock Area engineer.


ā€œThis is a city of Lubbock project that includes local and federal funds. TxDOT is overseeing the contract and construction work,ā€ Villalobos said. ā€œThis area has steadily grown in the last few years making the street a major and vital connector road. The reconstruction and expansion of a busy road always presents challenges, but our goal is to make sure we get the work done in the safest and most efficient way possible and keep traffic moving.ā€


The project will rebuild Upland Avenue to include two lanes of traffic in each direction, a continuous left-turn lane, will make drainage improvements, install curb and gutters and sidewalks.


ā€œUpland traffic will continue to be one-lane in each direction for the majority of time during construction. Motorists can expect a temporary detour, slow moving traffic, delays and are advised to seek alternative routes around the construction zone,ā€ Villalobos said.


The speed limits through the work zone will be reduce to 40 mph and motorists are urged to use caution when driving through the construction zone since crews will be working in close proximity to traffic andĀ should keep theĀ following tips in mind:

  • Slow down and always follow posted work zone speed limits. Speeding is one of the major causes of work zone crashes. Remember, traffic fines double in work zones.

  • Pay attention. Workers and heavy equipment may only be a few feet from passing vehicles.

  • Be patient. Delays from roadway construction can be frustrating, but it only takes a few extra minutes to slow down for a work zone.


The project is anticipated to be completed in late-summer 2025.


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