Stop the Attacks and Lies Against Latino Asylum Seekers!
Nation’s Largest Civil Rights Organization Says Trump Continues to Ignite Fear & Hate

Washington, DC – The National President of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) called out President Trump Thursday for his latest Twitter campaign ad featuring a convicted Latino cop killer, Latino refugees at a border checkpoint in Central America and his remarks in a news conference calling the approaching asylum-seekers dangerous, diseased and a threat to the United States.
“Trump has stooped to a new and vile low even I never thought was possible from a sitting American President who has no limit on how far he’s willing to go,” says Domingo Garcia. “He’s jailed our babies, attacked our mothers, wives and daughters with his despicable lack of respect for women and now he is deliberately stirring fear and hate targeting millions of Latinos because he’s determined to make us his scapegoats to grab votes even if it means creating a fake threat where there is none,” he added.
The Department of Defense has ordered the deployment of 7,200 soldiers to the U.S.-Mexico border. However, officials familiar with the operation saying the number could increase to 14,000 active service members. Trump says the troops are needed to ensure the safety of American citizens who need protection from an invasion. Thursday, he announced a change in the asylum seeking process saying only people entering legally through a border checkpoint will be allowed to apply.
“This is a meaningless and hypocritical move because the Administration is fast-tracking construction of fences that seal key bridges and walkways to prevent the refugees from even reaching the so-called legal checkpoint,” says Garcia. “Our greatest concern is that if in desperation refugees leap into the water to swim across or attempt to cross into the U.S. some other way, they will be fired upon,” said Garcia.
In his announcement, Trump stated that these migrants are linked to “millions of dollars of illegal drugs that are killing our kids” and poses unacceptable dangers to our country. “Human trafficking is the highest level in history and they steal women. They are the lowest scum on earth. If we allow this caravan into our country, other and more emboldened caravans will form and come up. Once they arrive, they expect free education, free health care and free benefits that you the American taxpayer have to bear. They will not be allowed to enter and make meritless claims for asylum.”
Garcia says LULAC is ready to lead with other major Latino organizations to challenge the Administration’s denials of fundamental human rights to the refugees. Also, reports that another stream of refugees has departed El Salvador only heightens the tension just days before American voters decide what the direction they want the country to take.
“Even if the refugees survive, their actions under Trump’s policy announced today will automatically mark these men, women and children as criminal aliens which disqualifies them anyway. This is a no-win situation for people who face indescribable danger or even death if they are sent back and we cannot allow that,” concluded Garcia.
The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the nation’s largest and oldest civil rights volunteer-based organization that empowers Hispanic Americans and builds strong Latino communities. Headquartered in Washington, DC, with 1,000 councils around the United States and Puerto Rico, LULAC’s programs, services and advocacy address the most important issues for Latinos, meeting critical needs of today and the future. For more information, visit